woensdag 9 januari 2008

Maven1 and a Mac

Ever had that icons keep popping up in your dock when you're running java stuff on your Mac. I know I had that problem. The trouble is that these apps steal your focus away from the applications you're working with.

During a Maven build with forked JUnit tests, this is especially problematic, as the focus keeps switching. Normally you solve this, by specifying the command line switch


However when forking JUnit tests, this doesn't work. The trick is that not all switches are passed into the newly forked processes. However if you put the following in your build.properties, these will be passed, and you're one step closer to living a pain-free life with your Mac...

file: build.properties

woensdag 12 december 2007

Schmap Las Vegas

When I opened my Flickr page today, I noticed a message sitting in my inbox. What it said was:
Hi Jeroen,

I am writing to let you know that one of your photos has been short-listed for inclusion in the fourth edition of our Schmap Las Vegas Guide, to be published late December 2007.
I was of course pleasantly surprised, and I've given them permission to include the following image in their travel map...

woensdag 15 augustus 2007

Ohh no... not yet another blog

Yeah another one. I've decided to start this blog, to output some of my thoughts, as so many do nowadays, on software engineering and Java as well as (digital) photography. We'll see how it goes and what time permits me to write.

I also write for our company blog. In a next post, I'll provide some links to the blogs I've written there.